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Egyption Holidays and other storys

The Christmas Party has unfortunately had to be cancelled due to more people than usual being busy on the 5th of December. I and Keith shall still be attending so we don’t lose the deposit. But for those who will be traveling a long way we have cancelled it to save you petrol Diesel or Electricity.

I have also gathered some articles for the dreaded Election. Its about time I started my plan for World Domination then we wouldn’t have to have elections every month. So instead of pictures of stupid politicians lying to the world I have decided to illustrate this newsletter with pictures from our Holiday to Egypt.

For those who didn’t know I have been my parents Carer on a trip down the Nile. One of my Tasks was to make sure Keith had his sun hat. He kept leaving it on the coach.

There is quite a lot of Updates coming out of the FCA in the regulation round up. The most important one is to make sure your company is registered for the new Connect system see below for details.

SMCR Priscum is working hard on the SMCR and will have an update of what you need to do soon.

The FCA are changing lots of things next year the Register and the Connect system. You can register for the new system now.

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