Nuclear fallout from the Woodford Funds

Hello and welcome to the July edition of the Priscum newsletter. I was looking for a Humorous Illustration for the Articles about the Fallout from the Woodford Funds. I came across a Fun activity book about Nuclear fallout!!!

You too can play games such as Mark the Mutant,

Connect the Craters or radioactive tag.

Keith is going to try and claim child care costs for me running his business
For many working parents, childcare costs can play a large role when planning a return to work, or considering their career options and working hours. Now that childcare vouchers have closed to new entrants, we are reminding employers that help is at hand with Tax-Free Childcare, a government scheme to help working parents with the cost of childcare.
Eligible parents could get up to £2,000 per child, per year, to spend on qualifying childcare. For parents with 2 children, that could mean a saving of £4,000 on the family budget. You don’t need to do anything, but telling your employees about Tax-Free Childcare could:
help them with their childcare costs
help their return to work
help them work more hours, if they want to
help you retain staff you’ve invested in.
For more information, tell your employees to visit
Also in today's Newsletter A brief update on anti money laundering guidance. Some Large fines from the ICO to BA and the Marriot hotel chain. There are also some interesting Articles about the pensions running out before people are dead. There have also been more Housing competitions that have fallen foul of the advertising Standards agency, after they changed their terms and conditions half way through the Competitions.