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The future is Bright the Future is Green.

Welcome to the March newsletter. If you couldn’t make it to our seminar last week. The slides for our Seminar last week are now available on the Priscum web site. I have tried to keep on top of the Brexit News but it is a shambles as you probably all know so my Brexit Newsletter is now called Brexit Who knows what is Happening! Some of the most important articles you must read today are the current £150,000 FOS limit will be £350,000. There are 2 interesting articles at the end both looking forward to the future (past brexit if we ever get that far) to the swinging 60’s and a look at Future cars. The future is Bright the Future is Green.

Percy: Well, I’ve got the body my lord and I see you’ve got the head.

BlackAdder: Yes but look it’s no good Percy, no-one’s ever going to believe we’ve just cut it off, It’s Gone Green!

The Future is Electric

Earlier this month in the Geneva Motor Show The future Is Electric apparently. Apart from My house where my car parking space is far away from my front door!!!! My post code is expensive for car insurance as well but that is another story.

Most of the cars on show were electric including a prototype for a flying car and a self-driving limousine. One car was made in the 1950's that has been restored and looks like Lady Penelope's Car. The world’s fastest road car has been revealed at the Geneva Motor Show and its electric. The Pininfarina Battista claims to do 0-62 mph in less than two seconds. We assume it might take a bit longer to re-charge.

Ultra-fast super-cars may generate a ‘halo effect’ for electric vehicle (EV) demand but we suspect re-charging point infrastructure investment will be just as important.

However one of the cars on show is a self driving car driven by Smartphone to pick you up drop you off and then go on to collect the next passenger. I think these car manufacturers have been watching James Bond Films all these cars have been driven by 007 in the last 50 years!!!!

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